We had been wanting to get out to Florida to see our friends Barb & John for a while and we finally made it! We hopped on a plane along with our friends Kayla and Jeff and their three babies and flew to Florida for a week in May. Between the three couples we have 6 children under the age of 3 so when we weren't breaking up fights, changing diapers, or feeding kids...We were having a great time!
We got to go to the Miami Zoo!
Bridger loved the snakes and lizards

Chad in
aww of the fish!

feeding Giraffes

The Gang- we looked like a stroller parade walking around the zoo!

Swimming at Barbs

Cru, Bridger, Ty

Building a sand castle at the Beach

The Highlights of the trip were...Getting to spend time with my best friends, seeing our boys play, going out with Chad on my Birthday, the Beach, the Zoo, and Barbs cooking!
Lowlights of the trip were...Barb getting sick on her birthday, everyone but me getting sick, the rainstorms keeping us from going to the beach more, and traveling home just to